Baby Registry Sites Where People Can Contribute to More Expensive Items

Creating a baby registry can be so much fun for expectant parents. You're searching for just the right decorative items as well as things you will truly need like a stroller or a car seat. The downside of this is that many items are expensive and you may begin to wonder if it is rude to put expensive items on your baby registry.

It is not rude to put expensive items on your registry as long as you have a huge range of items in various price ranges to choose from and have no expectation they will buy it. You often get completion coupons with huge discounts towards the end of your pregnancy so should include the expensive items on there since you will truly need them.

Keep reading to learn about what to put on your registry and some options for the more expensive items.

Is it okay to put more expensive items on your baby registry?

You may be waffling between putting a cheaper stroller or a more expensive stroller on your registry since it may seem rude to put the more expensive item on it. Is it greedy to ask for a nicer, more expensive item or should you stick to budget items and be thankful for the gift?

Everything on your registry should be something you truly want and plan to use. If you are planning to get that $1000 stroller then go ahead and add it to the list with the knowledge that it may not be bought for you, and be sure to include a lot of items that are in various price ranges to ensure others can find something in their price range.

You should look at your registry as a shopping list of items you will need and use for your baby. You should always be willing to buy these items for yourself in case you don't receive them as a gift. One of the biggest benefits to putting everything on the registry is that about a month or two before your baby's due date, you will receive a completion coupon from the places you registered at that usually includes a certain percentage off to purchase items that were not bought.

The average baby shower guest will spend anywhere from $50 to $200 on a gift, depending on how close you are to the parents-to-be. Casual friends may spend on the lower end of that budget while close family and friends may spend on the higher end or even more. Oftentimes, groups of family, friends, or coworkers of either parent may pull together and buy a larger gift from the group.

"When I was pregnant with my third child, my coworkers at my new job threw me a sprinkle with many of them putting money towards a gift card so that I could get the double stroller I needed. Between the gift cards from them and the completion coupon, I was able to purchase the expensive one I wanted." said one mom on a Facebook parenting forum.

One of the options a BabyList registry allows for is a group buy function. This way, friends and family can contribute to the stroller or to the crib, or any other higher cost item and helping it become more affordable.

Did you know you can use a diaper fund for any necessary purchase? Check out my full article on the topic!

If you are on a tight budget for yourself, you can include that dream item but also include more affordable options for it. This will make it more likely that someone might get it for you, ensuring you get one that you want, even if it's not your dream stroller. Again, use the completion coupons for any of the big-ticket items you end up needing to purchase.

How many items should you have on your baby registry?

Is there such a thing as having too much on your registry? Many parents wonder if they have too much on their registries.

You can put as many or as few items as you want on your baby registry. If this is a registry you are sharing with others, be sure to have an even spread of items in each range. For example, have at least as many items in the under $50 range as you do in the over $100 range to ensure family and friends have plenty of items to choose from.

You should also have more items on your registry than your baby shower guest list. If you are inviting 15 people to your baby shower, have at least 30 items on the registry for people to choose from in varying price ranges.

What should you NOT put on your baby registry?

What about items you shouldn't include on your baby registry? Parents wonder if there are items that should be left off.

Since a baby registry is a list of items parents need or want for their baby, there is no hard and fast rule for what you should leave off, but the consensus among many parents is that you should leave baby clothing, shoes, socks, and mittens off your registry. These items tend to change and go out of stock with the season so you would have to maintain the list diligently.

Sizing can be tricky since each baby will grow quickly. If the baby is born at 10 pounds, they will not fit into all the newborn clothing you may have registered for. If you want to include clothing on your registry, register for a few pieces in various sizes so that your family and friends can see the style of clothing you prefer. You can also include the basic onesie and pajamas but wait until closer to your baby shower so that these clothes will be in style and most likely in stock.

The other issue with clothing, socks, shoes, and mittens is that they are often included in many shower gifts. Many friends and family will get a gift off the registry then include a cute outfit or two. Socks and mittens are also often gifted so you will most likely receive many of these if you have a baby shower.

Baby registry etiquette – how expensive is too expensive

What are the options when it comes to big-ticket items such as a crib, car seat, etc.? What are most people willing to purchase for you?

You know your friends and family best, so if you are hoping they will help with the larger, more expensive items, try to stay within their price range when registering for them. You will be able to find car seats, cribs, and strollers for a good price that meet specific safety standards and still fit within a budget.

Looking through and, we were able to find various strollers, cribs, and car seats that could fit your guest's budgetary needs. Just make sure to keep these items on your registry in case you don't get them so that you can use the completion coupon on them!

Travel System

Many parents will go to a travel system first since it's a combination of an infant car seat and a stroller that it easily clicks into. There are a variety of styles and brands to choose from. Remember that every car seat sold in the US must meet specific safety standards so they will keep your baby safe when used correctly.

Walmart has a travel system available for as low as $99. Many travel systems from mid-range brands such as Graco, Evenflo, and Baby Trend range from $125 to $250, making them easily affordable for many close friends, family, or as a group gift.

If you want a specific travel system that is outside of that price range, be sure that you are ready to purchase it in case it isn't bought for you.


Some people may want a stroller that isn't part of a stroller system. There are a variety of options at various price points that your family and friends may be willing to spend.

Umbrella strollers are the least expensive of all strollers. These are easy to fold up and transport, although they cannot be used until your baby is able to sit up on their own. These start at $25 at both and Walmart.

For a newborn, there are also strollers that have a bassinet attachment. While these are usually priced higher, there are a few options at a lower price point. Walmart and Amazon both have strollers that are priced around $150-160, making it an affordable group gift or for a close family member or friend.

Other regular strollers can be found at prices below $100 for those needing a more budget-friendly option.

Car Seat

Your car seat is one of the most important purchases for your baby. All car seats must meet safety standards to be sold in the US so each one is safe for your baby to ride in. Depending on the car seat you choose, you may need to register for more than one.

If you choose to start with an infant carrier, you can register for ones as low as $60 at Walmart. The average price for these car seats is around $100, but they only come with one base. If you need more than one for either another car or for the grandparents to use, you may want to register for the base separately.

Once your baby outgrows the infant carrier, you may want to go to a convertible car seat that can rear face and forward face, some even becoming a booster seat when your child gets older. You can actually start off with this option since there are options that start off as low as 5 pounds, which will fit the average newborn. These start off at $50 at Walmart with the average price being around $125.


A safe sleeping space is important for your baby, making a crib and crib mattress necessities for registries.

Cribs start at $100 at Walmart and average around $150-200. The mattress will start at around $40 at Walmart and average between $90-130 for a standard crib.

A pack-n-play is also a safe sleeping alternative if you have space constraints or need something more portable. They run as low as $42 and average around $100. Many families register for both.


Diapers are the biggest ongoing cost for babies. Depending on the brand and size, you may end up having to buy up to two boxes a month. This is a popular baby shower gift, with many hosts offering a diaper raffle, giving each guest a price for each box of diapers they provide.

When registering for diapers, register for two to three brands you want to try. You do not need to specify a specific number of boxes since your gift-givers will most likely just check which brands you want and get a box of those.

Do not open the boxes until you need them because if you decide you don't like one particular brand, you will be able to return the unopened boxes and get more of the brand you do like.


The same idea behind diapers on a registry is the same for wipes.

Add one or two brands you want to try to your registry. Many people prefer to give practical gifts, and wipes come in a variety of package sizes so there is an option for every budget.

You will most likely be gifted these and you will want to wait to open them since you may find you like one specific brand over the others.


Clothing is one of the items that you really do not need to specifically register for since you will most likely get a lot of clothes in a baby shower.

The clothing is also seasonal, meaning that if you are due in October, but make your registry in May, the clothes you add then may not be available if you have your shower in August. If you register for clothing, choose items in the sizes you think your baby will be in the next year.


Another piece of furniture you will most likely need is a highchair of some sort.

Highchairs that strap into a chair start at $17 at Walmart. Full-sized highchairs start at $30 with the average being around $100.

Looking for an inexpensive alternative to a high chair? Check out these six options!

Baby Registry Sites Where People Can Contribute to More Expensive Items


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