I Treated for Lice Yesterday but Found Nits in My Husbands Hair. Should I Treat Mine Again?


Please describe your feel with head lice infestation (pediculosis). Submit Your Annotate

Comment from: Darren S, 45-54 Male (Patient) Published: Baronial 05

My head lice concluded up around my private areas. I used baby oil to comb them out. I have used information technology on my head earlier so squirted the baby oil down there and gave it a skillful rub in, then combed them out.

Comment from: Markus A, 55-64 Male (Patient) Published: July 28

Forget conventional lice treatments if they are super lice. I tried many things. Hot baths with Epsom salts and a one-half a cup of Clorox. Exist careful with this for children or infants. I used ivermectin paste in a tube that is used for horses. I did this past my weight and this is important. I used ivermectin pills from a dermatologist. She took a biopsy that came back inconclusive. She later prescribed me doxepin and never told me she thought I was suffering from delusional parasitosis. I fired her! Doxepin is an anti-anxiety psychotropic drug.

Comment from: Buggedout, 65-74 Female (Caregiver) Published: July 01

I had 2 treatments for head lice infestation, vii days apart. They came dorsum in ii weeks. I used Nothing. Day four, I tried kokosnoot oil soak with cap on for 8 hours. I found adults. So, I know there are new eggs. I used lemon juice rinse to loosen. On day four, later I tried Rid treatment. Found only babies. In four days I will do coconut and aniseed oil for 8 hour soak. I will keep on this schedule for the next calendar month. Threw out my bath mats and pillows. Magnifying drinking glass helps see progress. All cleaning precautions taken too. Be vigilant.

Comment from: All in my caput, 45-54 (Patient) Published: May nineteen

I contracted head lice 3 months ago and am now into all the treatments for about USD 1400. Nix has worked and I've done all the meticulous cleaning required. The physician said it was all in my head.

Comment from: Due north African, nineteen-24 Male (Patient) Published: January 28

I got caput lice from my girlfriend (who got it from her picayune sister) 6 months agone. It was really a nightmare, you can imagine the state of affairs, my hair was extremely curly and hard to rummage. Cutting it was not an option for me. To not make this any longer, I will go direct to what you want to know. I used a medication called Ecrinal, and information technology killed everything including the nits. I highly recommend it. I've as well used lemon juice and information technology showed some good results only I wasn't sure about it.

Comment from: Sapphire , 35-44 Female (Patient) Published: September 22

It sounds like most people on this thread have scabies and not pediculosis, seeing the annotate, "thin, irregular burrow tracks made up of tiny blisters or bumps on your peel."

Comment from: Melissa, 35-44 Female (Patient) Published: September 22

I'm not a doctor and I don't suggest you practice anything I say, but when I was a kid, kerosine was the treatment that worked instantly for pediculosis.

Comment from: House of louse, 25-34 Female person (Patient) Published: December 31

I've had head lice for nigh 10 months now. Nothing kills them. I have used every OTC treatment available, tried every home remedy, used concentrated malathion and ivermectin, combed for hours, and cleaned like a maniac, still to no avail. They are at present not only in my pilus, but my eyebrows and eyelashes, my facial pilus, my nasal hair, literally every identify in that location's body hair. My dwelling house is infested simply as bad. I can barely office, drastic for something that volition eradicate them! I'm going insane.

Comment from: Jane, 55-64 (Patient) Published: Dec 02

My grandkids had, so I got head lice infestation. Theirs is gone, they went to dispensary and got rid of it. I've been to the dr.'s, and they gave me ii bottles of Null shampoo. I am in a wheelchair and I can't walk, and then I bought clippers and shaved my hair to 5/8ths of an inch. I could feel the difference but I demand impact upwardly, so I bought 1 shampoo. I take my pilus between my fingernails and it pops similar I'm popping eggs or something. Then my pilus is viscid and behind my ears where I did the same thing. I wonder if the lice are not gone.

Comment from: Dwain, 55-64 Male (Patient) Published: September 05

Well, I just found out today, nine/iii/19, I have caput lice. I have been researching here lately because I was getting bitten on my legs. I can't call up if I had them or my other 3 siblings as a child, simply momma ever checked. First time as an adult I simply looked with a magnifying glass. They are crawling on my head, I knew that, but when I looked in the magnifying drinking glass, they are on my eyelids, nose, eyebrows and I think I accept seen them in my middle. I sprayed eucalyptus spray on my head to cease the itch.


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Comment from: Jgreb, 25-34 Female (Patient) Published: September 04

My household has had lice for over a week. They are everywhere and we have done Rid, Nix ultra and many other treatments, and zippo has worked. My bed will have piles of them at the finish of the day when I change sheets. I don't know what to exercise. This is different from whatever other time I have witnessed lice. They are upward my olfactory organ, in my ears.

Comment from: Fedup, 55-64 Female person (Patient) Published: September 04

Wonder if anyone else who has had lice for months experienced similar a web or netting covering your head merely under your hair. It's similar it'southward cemented to your caput and it's very hard to get information technology off your head, just when y'all practise information technology's like your head tin can exhale again. It is tangled pilus that is like cemented to your head and I believe that there are enough of nits nether information technology. Considering it's very hard to notice and get information technology off, is the reason we nevertheless have lice, and the reason no ane sees lice or nits on our heads.

Comment from: Ange, 45-54 Female (Caregiver) Published: July 23

I worked as a caregiver for years. I never brought home any head lice infestation until now. My grandson and I take lice now because of one of my clients. Rid doesn't work, Nix doesn't work, and home remedies didn't work. These things are on other parts of my body that has hair. Shaving didn't work for us. When our pilus grew back they would clamber with a vengeance. I am tired and don't know what to do. I am wondering if we caught head lice and body lice from my customer. I tried to tell her about her infestation simply she denied it.

Comment from: Ryan One thousand, 7-12 Female (Caregiver) Published: July 05

I had a terrible experience with the head lice and being a begetter of two young kids, I never thought it would be that hard to get rid of. To add to the frustration, it turned out no over the counter product or common habitation remedy worked for us and I finally had to seek professional person aid. Thankfully, I had a lice clinic in my city and with merely i visit I was completely relieved. Next fourth dimension my kids come home scratching heads, I know what I take to practice.

Comment from: Aaaarrrg, 55-64 Female (Caregiver) Published: June 28

I have had lice, crab lice in my hair, lice in the corners of my rima oris when I wake or even during the twenty-four hour period, I accept had in my inner (not all the fashion, every bit far every bit I know) ear (stubborn), and the folds of my outer ear, causing bleeding scabs. I take found them burrowed into scabs on top my easily! Fifty-fifty i in a scab I picked at on the top of my lower arm! Everywhere I'm bitten, swells upward to a half a golf ball and hurts and itches. I need a cure or assisted suicide in Canada. Too long.

Comment from: Mary, 45-54 Female (Patient) Published: June 25

I cannot get rid of my head lice infestation and I take been doing everything from OTC treatments to home remedies. I think they are embedded in my scalp! I have sores on my face and around my rima oris. I wonder if anyone else has suffered like this and know how to rid of them.

Comment from: Killedbylice, 35-44 Male (Patient) Published: April 17

I've had head lice infestation for over 2 and a half yr. I take been to the doctor simply to be made to look a fool, brand you feel similar a dirty pocketbook, atrocious by the doctor, and absolutely disgusting advice by profession. I take spent so many pounds on new bed clothes, carpets, all brand new stuff remedies that don't piece of work, they still do not die. I've had multiple peel and head infestations every ii weeks, my confidence shattered and gone.

Comment from: diannj, 55-64 Female (Patient) Published: March 27

I have had head and body lice for three months at present. I tried Nil Ultra super lice and Clearlice - all natural and very expensive, mayonnaise, olive, oil, and lice comb that zaps them. I went to the doctor and she gave me prescription for permethrin and oral ivermectin 2 doses. I just treated myself again terminal and they are back since yesterday. I eddy h2o and cascade over bedding and apparel in my washer, boil water and put combs and brushes in sink and pour over them and get out them. I'm ready to scream or shave my head. Cut hair brusk!

Comment from: Mad Moxie, 25-34 Female person (Patient) Published: October 16

I'one thousand plagued by head lice. Following are my solutions. Cloth items that aren't needed go into garbage bags. Use dryer multiple times with light loads, high heat. Modify wear/bedding and immediately launder. Cloth shrink on problem areas (soak xx to 30 minutes) with 3 parts peroxide and two parts water. Spray up the nostril and ears and too use the solution with laundry. Day/night Vaseline or kokosnoot oil, use lots on eyebrows. Don't scratch. While in shower utilise the stream of water to flush out your nose (use equally hot of water as you can without hurting yourself). Could besides endeavour flushing your nose out with oil to smother them.

A lot of what I read well-nigh lice is simulated from my experience. My grandchildren came here with lice about vi months agone. I have been trying to get rid of them ever since. They managed to get rid of them just, I can't. I have tried everything. They say they don't crawl on yous and that is bull. I can feel them crawl up my body and eventually go into my hair. I have no nits. Every bit soon as I feel them I brush my hair over the tub. I see one crawling in the bath tub. Yesterday I brushed one off my dorsum and saw it crawling around. I have washed and dried everything, cleaned my carpet, vacuumed, ironed my bed and my couch, have stuff in plastic bags, wrapped my whole couch in plastic, washed my defunction, have my scatter rugs even so in bags for 3 months. I unwrapped my couch and got attacked. Rid, or any of the over the counter shampoos do non work, I even had the Dr give me ii different types of prescription medicine. I follow the directions. I have even put kerosene on my head, and Malathion to the point I had to call 911. I have sprayed my business firm a million times. The just thing that kills them is vinegar. And then, at present I take sprayed my couch with pure vinegar and carpet and myself. I have a rash from all the stuff, my caput is dry out. I accept tried home remedies; basil oil, peroxide, booze, olive oil, tea tree oil, Eucalyptus oil, peppermint, oregano and other spices fabricated into tea. Some work. People take checked my hair and there are no nits/eggs. Vaselined my hair, baby oil, olive oil and left it on all night. Sleep with my pillow wrapped in plastic. Change my pillow cases nightly; launder my brushes 4 times a 24-hour interval in boiling h2o and booze for i/2 60 minutes. So the theory that they die within and so many days is bull. My couch was covered for months and I did non sit down on it. When I unwrapped the plastic, they were nonetheless live in there, the adults and babies. Then I call up someone should re evaluate their theories. I take had it. I don't fifty-fifty want anyone to come over. I itch at piece of work, but no one else does. I brush the bugs off in the toilet. They have treated with their infirmary stuff for lice. I am nevertheless itching. I'm lost and fed upward.

Annotate from: Rboyle, 45-54 Female person (Caregiver) Published: October 01

I am worried virtually either lice or bed bugs and really can't figure it out, merely I'1000 vacuuming my bedding daily and chosen the pest guy.

Comment from: Screaming silently, 45-54 Female (Caregiver) Published: August 21

Reading these comments about head lice infestation are terrifying, considering I'yard dealing with then much of the same. And it is validation for me that I am not crazy. I experience aback, ugly and solitary. My family doesn't want to hear almost it anymore. My nose feels similar it is on fire, my left eye feels like it's bulging, my nails hurt and bleed when I bump them. I experience similar I'chiliad past itching, I am a cactus, and accept a disgusting feeling. I am not sure what to do anymore.

Comment from: Cal, xiii-18 Male (Patient) Published: February sixteen

I've had lice now for 3 months, and haven't actually gone out and purchased whatever treatments yet because at start they don't itch much and you are a bit scared of walking out of the store with anti lice treatments and people looking at you lot a bit weird, but non anymore, I simply want them to go. I have crabs for sure, maybe caput lice, and I keep mistaking dry flaky skin for body lice. I watched a thing a year agone and information technology said at that place'due south a new brood of lice that are allowed to today's treatments. I promise I don't have these super lice. Anyhow, a good way to cure venereal without treatments is to stay is the bathroom for well-nigh 2 days; they can't survive that long under h2o.

Annotate from: 35-44 Female (Patient) Published: February 02

I combed my daughter'south hair i morning and saw eggs. I recognized them I don't know how. Never had whatever before. So, I took her to school, phoned her teacher, we met in the nurse'south room. The nurse confirmed; the nurse checked me likewise and she said "you don't have any." Then, I took my girl to the dispensary; the treatment cost me $90; they too checked me and plant zillions - over a month worth of eggs and lice. Some other $75. My hubby: i louse, many eggs. $75. They told me that we will demand about...4-6 sessions. They told me that I need to wash daily all pillow cases, sheets, towels, to vacuuum, to shampoo our hair daily, iii times per day, to comb the nits out; I bought $150 woth of Rid and other medical stuff, and realizing that I am most to lose my mind. I decided for all of usa to get our scalps shaved. No buzz cuts. Shaved. All of us. My girl cried a river. I was firm. I came abode and gahtered EVERYHTING that was clothing and took them to the laundrymat; shampooed the rug, couches hell just bankrupt. Some hell we couldn't contain, for we did not know the A and Z. At school they said Nobody has any. I was mad. The same nurse who told me I have none. So, I spoke with the principal. He said, sure, we will cheque them again. He never did. For the next morning I checked a few of girls my daughter was sitting next in the course. Their mothers got offended and complained to the principle who in return called me. Is this the worst matter possible? of course not. However, information technology turns your life - for a while- upside down; my nerves were delicate. I was itching, depressed, nervous, angry. We live in the 21st century, we have Kindle and humans on the Moon. What is the situation with some bugs? My girl still goes at school with her cap on. I am terrified by the thought that this could happen again. My skin itches when I only think about it. HEEEEEEEEELP!

Comment from: ddavis, xix-24 Female (Patient) Published: September 10

I am dealing with lice now. I found out Fri night that I had information technology. My friend (beautician) and I sat at her business firm for iii hours combing my pilus and getting the nits, nymphs, and developed lice out! Nosotros got thousands and thousands out of my head. I had had it about a month. I just thought I had dandruff and then it started itching worse so I called my best fiend likewise my hairdresser to take a look at my hair and I was defiantly infested. Nosotros got the most of them out that night. I went back over at that place Friday morning and nosotros put mayo on my hair and let it fix for almost thirty mins. so we combed thru information technology again. We got near of the remaining ones out. I'g however doing mayo on my caput every night until I know for a fact that they are gone. The offset night we treated we used RID then after that we put mayo on my head and permit it set for awhile then washed it out and combed over again. The 2d 24-hour interval we just did the mayo. Yesterday we let my hair residual and today (Monday) nosotros are going to exercise some other mayo handling and leave it on my hair overnight. And so come up Fri again I'1000 going to go get some more than RID and do information technology once more simply to be on the rubber side. I threw my sheets, hairbrushes, ponytail holders, clips, and everything away. I washed all blankets, vacuumed the floor, couch, mattresses repeatedly, swept the floor and moped. Hopefully this coming up weekend I'll be lice free.

Comment from: 500plus-pt2, 7-12 (Caregiver) Published: November 13

About 1 week later treating my kid's head lice infestation without wearing gloves, I started to observe the tips of my nails hurt similar I had cut them also close, just I did not trim them at all. Information technology got and then bad I could no longer open up simple things. They will embed into whatsoever part of your trunk and so when treating oil up to your elbows. I tried everything and nothing worked. Past chance I was cut meat for my 3 year onetime and felt an immense pressure release from my thumb. A long thing that looked the size of 1 hair came out.

Comment from: sweetc1534, 45-54 Female person (Patient) Published: June thirty

I am losing patience with this. I take a feeling as if stuff is crawling on me. My face, ears, eyelashes and peel feel similar they're crawling. I've tried lice shampoos, vinegar, Listerine, permethrin and stromectol. I'chiliad tired of cleaning and washing.

Comment from: Overdoneit, 55-64 Female person (Patient) Published: Oct 19

My husband and I had gotten head lice (never had them every bit children ) from my husband'southward nephew who brought his daughter to visit, knowing full well (we found out later) she had head lice ii different times that her mother did non treat successfully. Well, I overdid the treatments on us both considering I was so distraught and panicky. I think nosotros were probably well over them, looking back, just had the lasting itching from using many boxes of the "poisonous substance" which I would not do obsessively if information technology happened once again. The stuff was so hard on our scalps, we had scalp scabs for a long time afterward. I'd say employ a natural lice shampoo, and a very good fine lice comb,(not the cheap ones they requite you in the boxes ) .

Annotate from: hopeithelps, 35-44 Female (Patient) Published: Apr 18

I once had caput lice badly as a child. Using "standard" remedies, my hair was fried. I don't recall how long I was out from school. A second time I was concerned after finding a nit but I was lucky and caught it early on. A friend told me about using i part of a home perm. I can't remember which part it was but I know it seemed to work. I've since been told that head lice adopt clean hair/scalps. I do not take a dingy head but I do not was my hair daily like I used to unless it is necessary. This seems to do the trick.

Comment from: junebugkiller, 35-44 Female (Patient) Published: Apr 27

Skin So Soft!!!!! It kills them near instantly!! I was ready to try everything under my kitchen and bathroom counter when my husband suggested that SSS kills mosquitoes and fleas, maybe lice? Information technology DOES!! Now, we completely spray each of our heads (whether nosotros accept them or not) every few days to make sure we take care of any eggs hatching. Now nosotros are working on making certain that the mattresses are not infested. We're all the same working on that. At least the things aren't crawling on u.s. anymore. :-)

My grandson, before I knew he had lice, lost his hair on height and sides by 80%. I sure hope it grows back. I have washed my brains out and treated us twice.

Comment from: Infected!, 55-64 Female (Patient) Published: February ten

I have been infested for several months now. Some things seem to work for a day or two, merely then everything comes back. I have been doing laundry and cleaning every 24-hour interval - have changed linens & clothes daily - only I nevertheless get the pinprick marks and small sores on my body, face and neck as well equally the crawling sensations at certain times of the twenty-four hour period. The doctor has checked my hair for nits, etc. and doesn't believe I'chiliad still infested, just every few days, I find a louse - ordinarily so small they are only visible & identifiable with very strong magnification. I think they must be able to survive off the body/head for long periods. And I besides call back there may be a variety of louse that (a) is more resistant, (b) does not infect/affect everyone (some people may take stronger immune systems against this type of thing). No i else in my household seems to be affected. If it were not for the fact that I have actually found/seen the lice (they await but like their pictures) I would recall I was basics. I have tried most of the mail-away remedies, equally well as the usual ones, spending a small fortune, but I can't even become as far every bit the "re-treat in 7-10 days" regimen because they are dorsum almost immediately. The weird thing is that there are no nits - I comb every day for them, other people have looked for them, simply the hair shafts are ever completely clean and there is just no testify except for my symptoms and finding the occasional dead or half-dead louse.

Comment from: PINKSTAR, vii-12 Female (Caregiver) Published: Dec 29

A few months agone, my kid had lice. I tried the normal OTC handling and the comb and it failed. I tried again seven days later, and it failed. A week ago, my daughter got lice again. I take to wash her bed linens in the hottest possible water. I wonder if in that location is an oral lice-killing treatment. My hair is downwards to my waist, and I am and then afraid of getting lice!

Comment from: cat2337, 35-44 Female Published: October nineteen

My family had head lice last year around this same time last year (August). I got information technology all out of my family and I seemed to have gotten the worst of it. I had them nether my finger nails, up my olfactory organ in my mouth earlier I even knew it. The doctors told me they couldn't get up my nose and in my mouth but I could feel them crawling all over my face and torso at nighttime. I cleaned everything merely couldn't get it out of my couch and ended upwards throwing the burrow away. I covered my bed with a plastic encompass and vaccuumed everyday. I tried everything from over the counter to what the physician gave me and nothing worked. I got pimples on my head, back and chest. I used olive oil in my hair overnight and it seemed to let the nits not stick to my hair and so they were easier to remove.

Comment from: Monalisa, 7-12 Female (Caregiver) Published: Oct 07

My daughter aged 7 I believed had head lice. I treated her just in case. She still has an itchy caput, merely it was an absolute nightmare to launder her hair and leave for 10 minutes. She was shaking and screaming and did not want me to do information technology. I did not comb through her pilus equally she was then distraught.

Annotate from: jamess, 45-54 Female Published: October 07

My sis, niece, nephews, cousins all take a history with some kind of lice and never follow thru on the complete treatment. I spend all my time cleaning my house and my hair and body every time they come over. They are also in deprival of information technology, I'k really depressed. These lice seem to exist everywhere and gets on my face up which leaves bites. I do all the treatment then they're back with a visit if I forgot to put my embrace in dryer or one of them riding in my car.

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Source: https://www.emedicinehealth.com/lice/viewer-comments_em-68.htm

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