Mishri Elaichi for Babies Who Are Not Speaking

How to Get Rid of Stammering?


Stammering, also known as stuttering, is a speaking disorder in which a person repeats, or lengthens a word or a phrase. Information technology can also be understood equally disfluency in speaking at a higher frequency than a normal person. In India, it is commonly known as 'HAKLANA'. It is a severe communication problem that can reduce the self-conviction or self-esteem of a person and affects their ability to interact with the people if non taken care of at the primary stage. According to the reports, it is 4 times more in males than females i.e., the ratio of stammer boys and girls is 4:1.


Causes of Stammering

Information technology is difficult to place the specific causes for stammering simply a combination of some factors is involved. Some of those factors which may cause stammer:

  • Linguistic communication skills are not well adult
  • Head Injury
  • Stroke
  • Tumor
  • Ischemic attacks
  • Neuromuscular problems
  • Parkinson and other degenerative diseases
  • Side effects of certain drugs or medications
  • Psychological or emotional trauma
  • Excitement, confusion, or fatigue

Signs and Symptoms of Stammering

Some of the signs to identify stammering are:

  • Hesitation in starting a word or a phrase
  • Repeating a word or a phrase
  • Lengthening the words
  • Higher disfluency in speaking
  • Fast blinking, shivering lips, tapping foot, tightening the face or upper body while talking
  • More use of interjections likes, umm, I mean, similar, well, a.

Herbal Remedies of Stammering

i. Ashwagandha

It helps in reducing stress and fatigue. Information technology too helps in sharpening the brain and its proper performance. It can aid to go rid of stammering caused due to increase in stress, fatigue or improper performance of the brain.

ii. Sonth

It strengthens memory and helps in improving the functions of the heed as well as the torso. Information technology helps in reducing the stress and may help in reducing stammering as well. It also helps in reducing the nervous and emotional ailments.

3. Gotu Kola

It ultimately can be useful to reduce stammering to a great level.

4. Brahmi

Information technology has wonderful effects on the situations of Parkinson and also positively affects stress, fatigue, and anxiety. Information technology is one of the main ingredients used in health tonics, memory tonics, etc. It shows great results in balancing the functions of the brain and nervous system and increasing the concentration ability. It ensures a relaxed state of heed and nerves.

5. Vacha

This herb is beneficial to go rid of nerve-related disorders, increases retention and speaking power of a person and can be used to reduce stammering.

six. Shankhpushpi

It increases the efficiency of the brain to remember and memorize the things and helps in controlling blood pressure level. It reduces the chances of confusions in the mind and ultimately the stammering.

Yoga and Asanas (Exercises)

1. Exercise to Speak Slowly

Practicing to speak slowly every day for a minimum of xxx minutes can assistance in the betterment of voice communication and hence the reduction in stammering. Stand in front of a mirror and talk to yourself assuming the person in the mirror every bit someone else. If the person finds it strange to talk to himself so he can take aid from a family unit fellow member or a friend and speak to them virtually anything for a minimum of 30 minutes.

2. Reading

Read for at least thirty min. daily with a loud vox but at a slow pace. On the other paw, for developing fluent speech, read as fast as you lot tin can, primarily you lot may skip many words or may pronounce some words wrong simply get alee without paying attending to the quality of your speech or pronunciation. It volition help in maintaining fluency in your daily speech.

3. Loud Vowel Pronouncement

Pronounce the vowels A, E, I, O, U loudly by distorting your face strongly while uttering the words.

4. Jaw Practise

Open the jaws as wide as you can with no pressure level, keeping the jaws open lift the tongue upwards to touch the roof of the mouth. Being in bear upon with the roof of the mouth, drag the tip of your tongue towards the back of the oral cavity. Stretch it to the maximum without pain and keep it in this position for few seconds. Pull out your tongue outside the mouth and stretch it downwardly to bear on the mentum and hold it in this position for a few seconds. Repeat information technology 4-5 times a day.

five. Deep Breathing

Deep animate exercise helps to bargain with the speech communication disorders such as stammering, every bit information technology strengthens the respiratory organs, and relaxes the neuromuscular tension in the torso. Information technology tin can be done in many ways:

  • Try to terminate breathing from the breast and try to exhale from the belly, information technology calms the nervous tensions and provides relaxation to the body.
  • Inhaling deeply through the mouth and pressing chest muscles at the same time and after that exhaling slowly.

6. Singing

Information technology is 1 of the most effective ways to reduce stammering. Singing helps the person to control the breathing and phonatory muscles in a better way.

7. Drinking through a Harbinger

It is one of the oral exercises helpful in dealing with stammering. Every bit drinking in this style makes the natural language to be in a position which is very important for proper speech. Cutting off the end of the straw to reduce the size of the straw subsequently every 2 days for better results.

8. Ujjayi Pranayam

Information technology ways inhaling deeply through the oral cavity and exhaling slowly immediately. Repeat information technology 25-30 times daily. It will be benign to reduce stammering to a dandy extent.

nine. Udgeet Pranayam

Udgeet Pranayam includes chanting 'OM' while animate. For better results practice information technology by waking up before sunrise 21 times continuously daily. Inhale deeply with chanting OM and then shut your oral cavity and be in the position for a few seconds and then exhale, it will exist an exercise for your whole neck and volition be helpful to deal with stammering to a great extent.

x. Simhasana

To perform this sit in a comfy position better to be in Vajra-asana, then keep both easily on the knees every bit the paws (hands) of a panthera leo and inhale securely through the mouth then breathe by pushing tongue outside the mouth with a sound similar a lion roar. Repeat it 15-20 times daily.

Home Remedies of Stammering

1. Amla (Indian Gooseberries)

These are rich in iron that aids in proper blood circulation to the oral communication organs and make the natural language thinner which results in the more clear and natural voice. Chewing a few slices of Amla daily can help in clearing speech communication. The other way to consume it for reducing stammering is to fry information technology in a petty amount of butter or ghee or sun-stale form with rock salt.

2. Black Pepper, Almond and Sugar Processed Rocks (Mishri)

Black Pepper has wonderful furnishings on the production of saliva and stimulation of the muscles in the mouth that makes the speech smoother and easier to express confidently. Almonds, on the other hand, are rich in nutrients and contains Omega-iii fat acids and Vitamin A that helps in boosting the encephalon functioning, retentiveness, and the concentration level. In that location are various ways to consume them such as:

  • Drink a glass of water with a pinch of blackness pepper powder mixed in information technology.
  • Trounce 7-10 blackness pepper seeds in water till it results in a paste and have information technology with a couple of carbohydrate candy rocks to make information technology tastier.
  • Put 2 blackness pepper in mouth and bite it to release the juice and suck it inside the oral fissure as long as possible, twice a day.
  • Take 7 almonds and 7 black pepper in a grinder with a little amount of water to make a thick paste. Add the rock carbohydrate pulverization in it as per the sense of taste and swallow information technology daily while empty tum.
  • Soak 13-14 almonds overnight in warm water, peel the skin next forenoon and consume them or grind them with a little butter to brand a paste and consume it.

3. Honey and Salt

Both honey and table salt ease the muscles in the oral fissure and helps in the betterment of neurological performance, which results in piece of cake speech. For effective results, take a tablespoon of honey, add a niggling amount of salt in information technology, mix it well and rub it on your tongue for non less than x min. daily in the morning or twice a twenty-four hours i.e., morning and earlier going to bed.

4. Clarified Butter

Antiseptic Butter or ghee is prepared from cow'southward milk. It is used in various Ayurvedic medicines and is famous for its healing properties every bit it helps to manage brain-related issues, boosts up the encephalon functioning and retentiveness. Mixing clarified butter with a tablespoon of Indian Gooseberry juice or soaked almonds and consuming information technology with the meals can assistance to reduce stammering.

5. Bay Leaves

Bay Leaves accept some great healing properties, along with increasing the blood circulation and keeping the neurons healthy and counterbalanced. Chewing Bay leaves and having them with your meals reduce the thickness of the natural language resulting in clear speech. Burn a bay leaf every night in a bowl and keep it in a room or home, information technology can help in reducing stress level, which may be the cause of stammering of a family member. For better results in reducing stammering, wash a medium-sized bay foliage and place it under the tongue. The saliva in the rima oris volition go mixed with the nutrients in the leaf and will issue in the stimulation of cells in the mouth and reduction in stammering.

6. Dates (Khajoor)

They accept effective and positive results in the stimulation of mouth cells that makes the phonation more clear. Regular consumption of dates tin assistance in dealing with various speech problems. If a person does non find the raw dates tasty, so they can be consumed in another manner. Boil several dates in milk as per the requirement and swallow it daily before going to bed.


Likewise the above-provided remedies, some of the natural remedies are to provide a familiar environment to the stammering person, not to avoid them while they are speaking, avoiding their fluency level and focusing on their feelings behind the words, to encourage them to speak to people. With all the above-discussed remedies a person can get rid of the stammering to a great level. For faster and effective results i can use a combination of two or more than remedies likewise, as there are no side effects of any of the remedy provided higher up as they are totally from the natural and herbal sources instead will benefit in many other ways along with stammering.


Source: https://www.planetayurveda.com/library/stammering-natural-treatment/

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