Marquee Is Showing Up Where Box Art Use to Retropie

  • Pi 3 Model B+
    RetroPie iv.v.2
    SanDisk 64GB SD bill of fare
    Skyscraper latest ver.

    I can't become it to work properly, marquees are either cached just and not transferred to /emulationstation/downloaded_media/platform/marquees or not downloaded at all, just even if they are buried and also put into the downloaded_media folders they still don't show up in ES.
    (Using Retrorama theme, marquees should announced in the description box above the text)

    No affair what I attempt, running uncomplicated style through retropie-script or manual mode via terminal. I also tried with 'Skyscraper' command from the terminal after adjusting the config.ini but no luck.
    Not sure but information technology seems the config.ini isn't used because it simply asks me a agglomeration of question (output folder, system to scrape, lucifer percentage etc.) earlier scraping although that should be taken from the config.ini (?).

    What am I missing or doing incorrect?

  • @timmay said in Skyscraper: marquees non working:

    I can't get information technology to work properly, marquees are either cached only and not transferred to /emulationstation/downloaded_media/platform/marquees or not downloaded at all, but even if they are cached and likewise put into the downloaded_media folders they still don't show up in ES.
    (Using Retrorama theme, marquees should announced in the description box higher up the text)

    Please mail the gamelist.xml file created by Skyscraper. If it contains the marquee tags and they're populated, and so it'southward not a Skyscraper consequence - but a theme/Emulationstation problem.

    Non sure but it seems the config.ini isn't used because information technology just asks me a bunch of question (output folder, arrangement to scrape, match percent etc.) earlier scraping although that should be taken from the config.ini (?).

    If you don't run it with enough parameters (--unattended, the correct -s options), and so Skyscraper will enquire some information to know what to do. That'south normal, information technology doesn't thing if your config.ini is already set or not.

    EDIT: did y'all also download videos with Skyscraper for your games ?

  • @mitu said in Skyscraper: marquees non working:

    If it contains the marquee tags and they're populated, and then it's not a Skyscraper issue - but a theme/Emulationstation trouble.

    Good hint. I checked a bunch of gamelists, some have the marquee paths integrated, some not. Probably caused past all the different scraping methods I tried- and so that should non be the issue, seems similar ES or the theme causes not showing the marquees.
    That's odd to me considering for a few systems (e.grand. CPS1,2,3, C64, Mastersystem) marquees are actually appearing in a higher place the clarification text.

    EDIT: did you besides download videos with Skyscraper for your games ?

    Usually aye. For a couple of attempts I left out scraping videos to make the trial and error process faster. I'yard guessing this is not the issue because for case when scraping MAME-libreto I also tested different of the above mentioned scraping means, with and withoud videos, and so far no marquees showed upward.

    EDIT: I will effort for FBA from final with 'Skyscraper -p fba -southward screenscraper --videos'

  • Try this - for a arrangement where you scraped videos and marquees, see if the marquees are showing up. Bank check also with the default (Carbon) theme. I recall there's a bug/missing feature in Emulationstation where if the 'View style' is non set to 'Video', the marquees are not shown.

  • @timmay said in Skyscraper: marquees non working:

    EDIT: I will try for FBA from last with 'Skyscraper -p fba -s screenscraper --videos'

    --> result: 30 marquees and no videos were scraped (there are 142 roms in FBA folder). Those 30 do evidence up in ES.

    That's strange because when originally scraping via retropie-script/ Skyscraper menu information technology scraped all 142 marquees and nearly all videos. (this manner scraped media is placed in /emulationstation/downloaded_media/platform/...).
    Using the command line 'Skyscraper -p fba -s screenscraper --videos' the scraped media is placed in roms/fba/media/...
    The different locations are due to the scraping method merely now but 30/142 marquees and no videos?

    Switching to Carbon theme makes no difference: the few systems that show marquees do that no matter which theme is used, the others non at all.

    So the issue really seems to be located somewhere in Emulationstation. Tin can I notice out where exactly? Because as mentioned a few systems bear witness the marquees correctly. I only don't know where to wait.

    Changing the 'gamelist view mode' in ES doesn't help. With automatic, detailed and video they bear witness up, otherwise not. So either the marquees appear or they don't - independent of the chosen view style.

  • @timmay said in Skyscraper: marquees not working:

    Switching to Carbon theme makes no divergence: the few systems that show marquees do that no thing which theme is used, the others not at all.
    Then the outcome actually seems to be located somewhere in Emulationstation. Can I find out where exactly? Because equally mentioned a few systems show the marquees correctly. I just don't know where to wait.
    Changing the 'gamelist view fashion' in ES doesn't help. With automatic, detailed and video they show up, otherwise not.

    I' 1000 sorry, but this is getting confusing for me - you started by stating that marquees practise not work, merely now they work, simply at present they don't work for all systems (?).
    I wait that a theme would not support marquees for 'bones' view, and 'automated' will use either 'video' or 'detailed' , so I'd say that'south to be expected ('video', 'detailed' + 'automatic' to work the aforementioned).

    Tin you please mail service some concrete examples - the gamelist.xml file for the organisation where they don't bear witness up and what theme are you using ?

    So either the marquees appear or they don't - independent of the chosen view style.

    If the theme doesn't support marquees, then of course they won't show up.

  • Aye. that's the point, for a few systems it works and marquees are somewhen appearing simply for nigh systems they don't bear witness up, it's confusing. Excuse me if that wasn't specified accurately in the beginning.
    I now tried for every unmarried system one more time (via retropie-script/Skyscraper menu with videos enabled) and with the exact aforementioned method for a few systems it'south working, many others not. The odd thing afterward scraping is that for the non-working systems marquees are downloaded/cached but non transferred to the media folder (examples come across below):

    A) systems with marquees appearing:
    marquees buried + placed in /emulationstation/downloaded_media/platform/marquees
    instance: NGPC

    B) systems with no marquees actualization:
    marquees cached but non placed in /emulationstation/downloaded_media/platform/marquees
    example: Gamegear

    @mitu said in Skyscraper: marquees not working:

    Tin can y'all please post some concrete examples - the gamelist.xml file for the system where they don't show up and what theme are you using ?

                        And so either the marquees appear or they don't - contained of the chosen view mode.                                      

    If the theme doesn't support marquees, then of course they won't show up.

    Retrorama theme. It supports marquees, otherwise at that place would be no marquees for the couple of systems that do show them like NGPC, FBA, Mastersystem, etc.

  • @timmay said in Skyscraper: marquees not working:

    A) systems with marquees appearing:
    marquees cached + placed in /emulationstation/downloaded_media/platform/marquees
    example: NGPC

    OK, this gamelist has the 'marquees' added to the gamelist.

    B) systems with no marquees appearing:
    marquees cached but non placed in /emulationstation/downloaded_media/platform/marquees
    example: Gamegear

    .. only this i does not, so that'south why they don't announced.

    I'll test again with the gamegear organization and the ROMs yous have in your list to see if the marquees are downloaded past Skyscraper.
    Yous tin can make certain you've had 'marquees' selected when scraping AND generating the gamelist for Emulationstation and try once more.

  • Yep, I checked a couple of gamelists yesterday and those systems that show marquees have them in their gamelists, all systems without marquees are missing the paths to them.

    Ok, hold on, I think perhaps I constitute the consequence.
    Since information technology's suspicious that the marquees are really cached for all systems just only for a few systems transferred to .../downloaded_media/platform/marquees and added to the gamelists I began checking the actual marquee.png files.

    I compared the ones in Skyscrapers cache folder to the ones in .../downloaded_media/platform/marquees. Interestingly the marquees for each system have dissimilar png-images in the cache and downloaded_media... folders. Systems that show marquees in ES and accept a path info in the associated gamelist accept their marquee.png actually compiled based on the downloaded wheel.png image!?
    Metal Slug - 2nd Mission (World) (En,Ja).png
    in: .../downloaded_media/ngpc/marquees

    is based on

    in: .../Skyscraper/cache/ngpc/wheels/screenscraper

    I don't know if that's a normal procedure but I had no clue. Then in the cease those systems that have no marquees in ES accept no scraped wheel images cached and/or in .../downloaded_media/platform/wheels.

    If I'k correct the question at present is how to get the remaining systems to also brand & name the *.png images based on the bike images (if bachelor in cache)? On the other hand why are for a couple of systems wheels missing (non cached) although they are at that place for most systems? All systems where scraped by the exact same way in Skyscraper.

  • @timmay said in Skyscraper: marquees non working:

    I don't know if that's a normal process simply I had no inkling. And so in the end those systems that have no marquees in ES accept no scraped cycle images cached and/or in .../downloaded_media/platform/wheels.

    It's normal, wheel is another name for marquee and some scraping sites name the paradigm this manner. Encounter for instance

  • OK, so I did a quick test with GameGear and I don't accept this problem. Marquees are downloaded and assembled in the gamelist.xml file and they're also shown in Emulationstation:

    Brand sure that Skyscraper downloads the marquees for the systems that don't have 1 and the marquee choice is enabled (it's the default) in the RetroPie-Setup script.
    If the tag isn't been added to the cache, then it will non exist added to the gamelist.

  • Should exist working now but only if the option 'force enshroud refresh' is enabled. Still a surprise to me since I ran Skyscraper dozens of times and the settings for videos and marquees definitely were enabled all the time - but I'thou glad it finally seems to be working.
    @mitu Thank you for helping out, very much apprechiated!

  • I have one more modest affair I couldn't figure out. In Retrorama theme'due south gamelists the concluding title is cut off past some sort of blackness overlay border (not in Carbon theme, only Retrorama).
    This occurs for all systems that have more games than the page can list (and then you accept to ringlet downwardly).
    I checked and it'southward non by default. Unremarkably the last title should not be partly listed like that at all, instead the shown titles for this folio should be ending with 'QIX'.


  • This post is deleted!

  • @timmay said in Skyscraper: marquees non working:

    I can't get information technology to work properly, marquees are either cached only and not transferred to /emulationstation/downloaded_media/platform/marquees or not downloaded at all, only fifty-fifty if they are cached and besides put into the downloaded_media folders they still don't show upwards in ES.

    I don't have time to read through and sympathize all that's posted in here right now, merely just making certain, did you really change the ~/.skyscraper/artwork.xml file to include the marquee exports? Otherwise it won't employ them at all. It's not enough to cache them, you also need to add an output for it. If not, so delight bank check the docs here

    EDIT: The default artwork.xml exports the marquee using the bike graphics to give the best look to the default ES theme. This is why y'all'll see wheel exported every bit marquee's. This is supposed to be like this. You'll need to customize your artwork.xml to get it to do what y'all desire.

    This is the default i:

                      <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-eight"?> <!-- This is the default artwork.xml provided by Skyscraper. More examples can be found in '~/.skyscraper'. Be sure to check the full artwork documentation here: --> <artwork>   <output type="screenshot" width="640" summit="480">     <layer resource="screenshot" ten="twenty" width="520" summit="390" align="centre" valign="eye">       <rounded radius="10"/>       <stroke width="five"/>     </layer>     <layer resources="cover" height="250" x="0" y="-10" valign="bottom">       <gamebox side="wheel" rotate="xc"/>       <shadow altitude="v" softness="v" opacity="lxx"/>     </layer>     <layer resource="wheel" width="250" x="-10" align="right">       <shadow distance="5" softness="five" opacity="seventy"/>     </layer>   </output>   <output type="marquee" resource="bike"/> </artwork>                                  

    As you can see, the last output node (scroll to see it) outputs a marquee, just uses the wheel resource for a better look when using the ES default theme. If you want it to actually export the marquee, simply remove the resources="wheel"function of that output node.

  • @muldjord said in Skyscraper: marquees non working:

    As you can encounter, the concluding output node (scroll to see it) outputs a marquee, just uses the wheel resources for a better look when using the ES default theme. If you want information technology to actually consign the marquee, only remove the resource="wheel"part of that output node.

    Thanks for breaking downward the process! This way information technology'southward really perfectly fine, it does look better in ES using the wheel art anyway. I just didn't recognize the marquees being based on the bicycle images in the beginning.

  • @timmay said in Skyscraper: marquees not working:

    I have one more minor matter I couldn't effigy out. In Retrorama theme's gamelists the final title is cutting off by some sort of black overlay border (non in Carbon theme, only Retrorama).
    This occurs for all systems that have more than games than the page can list (so you have to scroll downwardly).
    I checked and information technology'south not past default. Normally the last title should not be partly listed like that at all, instead the shown titles for this page should exist ending with 'QIX'.

    Any suggestions for this or should I put it in a new thread?

  • @timmay No idea about that. I love the default theme and have only always tried a few others before going back to the default 1. Information technology has everything I want.

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